Interim Vice President Jim Brooks

Jim Brooks is the interim vice president for Student Services and Enrollment Management.

Profile photo of Jim Brooks

Jim has served as director of student financial aid and scholarships at the University of Oregon since 2011. His financial aid and scholarships department is responsible for the administration of federal, state, institution, and foundation funds to UO students. It also serves as a clearinghouse for funds awarded from private organizations. Altogether, approximately $304 million in financial aid is disbursed to students each year. Additionally, the office provides financial aid counseling services to UO constituents as well as prospective students and their families. The Financial Wellness Center helps students gain the confidence and knowledge to make smart financial decisions. Jim also oversees our Orientation Programs, SSEM Events, and Continuing and Professional Education departments.

Before coming to the UO, Jim was director of student financial aid at the University of Missouri and senior associate director of student financial assistance at Indiana University. He has served on the board of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) for three years and previously served as president and treasurer of the Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (MASFAA). He has led and served on committees at the national, regional, and state levels, and presented at conferences on all of these levels. During his time at the UO, Jim has increased our counseling availability, and enhanced our financial literacy offerings. He expanded the use of technology to improve accuracy of processing and to free up staff time to better serve students, as well as increasing outreach activities.

Jim has eclectic tastes in music and loves reading suspense thrillers. He also enjoys admiring the floral beauty and architectural diversity of the UO campus and the mild winters of the northwest.